We ship globally!
Once your order is placed, we process the order within 12 hours and your order is fulfilled within 3 days.
Since most products are shipped directly from different factories worldwide, please allow 15 - 25 days for the products to arrive. Products shipped from domestic warehouse should arrive within 5 days. Please refer to the product page for the expected delivery time. We appreciate your patience to get only the best in your hands.
Please note that when ordering multiple products in one order, each product will arrive separately.
Cancellations can be made within 12 hours of your order. Once we have fulfilled and shipped your order, you cannot cancel the order.
Free shipping generally takes 3 ~ 4 weeks to arrive
Expedited shipping within 5 ~ 7 business days at a competitive cost of $39.99 ~ $99, which depends on different weight per your order.
At the world's end, the canvas captures all that is beautiful.