Experience the enchanting world of The Polar Bear Glass Chandelier, where bears take flight amidst gentle, eye-friendly lighting. Each light features a white globe that emits a soft, soothing glow, creating a whimsical scene of happy dancing bears under floating balloons. This pendant light is a favorite for its heartwarming design. The bears, with their plump, white bodies, seem to soar over snow-covered landscapes or across tranquil seas. Imagine their flight paths and revel in their cuteness. Consider combining multiple lights for a stunning effect. If you require the large round canopy (Diameter: 50cm), please leave a note. For separate installations, ensure ample ceiling wires. Our team is ready to provide aesthetic suggestions to complete your vision.
For custom cord lengths or plug-in ceiling lights, please email us at support@gabyberg.com.
If you require three lights for a combination, please kindly place an order for three lights directly and inform us about the need for a D50cm canopy.
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